DietPal has tons of wonderful features that are likely to change your lifestyle to your liking.
•Tons of tasty and healthy meals
•Nutritional breakdown of all recipes
•Cooking ingredients, utensils and instructions
•Custom diets catered to food choices and dietary goals
•Custom, easy and Convenient meal builder, so you can build whatever snacks or meals from your own liking and implement them into your diet
•A Calorie and Macronutrient tracker for achieving your daily calorie and nutrition goals
•Meal planner & Recipe Planner
•A grocery list that is live updated for your meal plan
DietPal has lots of meal selection options and selections for your recipes.
There are also tons of different food types and cuisines from all over the world. Cuisines from all over the world such as Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Mediterranean, Nordic, French, Italian, Japanese, Kosher, Mexican etc.
Food types such as Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Biscuits and Cookies, Drinks, Cocktails, Desserts, Pancakes, Sandwiches, Soups, Cereals, Smoothies etc.
Our recipes also track over 28 different micronutrients including Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Potassium etc.
You will never run out of options and will have all of your needs and all of your dietary requirements accomodated.
You can integrate any of our thousands of recipes into your specific diet, catered to your needs, requirements, calories, macronutrients etc.
DietPal is a simple and effective app for managing your diet, and living the lifestyle you've always wanted to.